
Issue Title
Vol 3, No 2 November (2019) Menakar Tantangan dan Potensi Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab (BSA) IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon di Era Pendidikan 4.0 Abstract  PDF
Erfan Gazali
Vol 8, No 1 May (2024) Educators' and Learners' Responses to Optimising the Development of Arabic Teaching Module Based on the Merdeka Curriculum Abstract  PDF
Fateh Al Muhibbin, Muhammad Afif Amrulloh, Yeni Lailatul Wahidah, Asti Fauziah, Dessy Sintari Daoed
Vol 6, No 1 May (2022) Majallat al-Buhuts al-Ilmiyyah wa Kharithah Mafahimuha Fi Qism Ta’lim al-Lughah al-Arabiyyah li al-Marhalah al-Jamiíyyah bi Jamiáh Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta wa Jamiáh Ulum al-Qurán bi Wonosobo wa Jamiáh Semarang al-Hukumiyah wa Jamiáh Muhammadiyah bi Yogyakarta Abstract  PDF
Agung Setiyawan, Moh. Ainin, Uril Bahruddin
Vol 8, No 1 May (2024) Unlocking Potential: Rethinking MBKM Curriculum Reformation with Constrained Resources in Arabic Education Study Program Abstract  PDF
Ahmad Rifa'i, Maziyyatul Muslimah
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